
Plant List 2013

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The following is our recently updated plant list showing plants that are currently available or scheduled for propagation at some point during the season. An * indicates that plants will not be ready before late spring. Shrubs and Bamboos may be later. Due to carriage costs orders are despatched when all plants are ready. Orders will not be split unless requested (the carriage fee will be extra).

Please note that some of the plants are in very large pots. Due to the high carriage costs we are unable to send any plants in a pot size of 4 litres or over unless by special arrangement. Please telephone for costs.

Date of last update: 24-1-2013

Where photographs for a specific plant are available these are indicated by an icon next to the plant description. The plant photograph will be displayed when the View Image Button is clicked. Only one image can be displayed at a time. The window should be closed before trying to view another image. If you "lose" the image window it may be retrieved by clicking it on the task bar.

During 2013 we really hope to photograph more of the plants. Apologies for the lack of images but it is difficult to find time for all the work required.

Plant List Navigation

The plant list is quite lengthy. To go to specific locations in the list please click on the appropriate part of the section below.

Herbaceous A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Shrubs Trees Grasses Bamboos Ferns

Herbaceous Perennials

Perennial Plants for all situations are our main speciality. We offer a wide range of flowering and foliage plants to suit all conditions. The vast majority of plants are slug proof and are grown in the garden without the use of slug pellets.


Ajuga reptans Bugle. An evergreen ground covering plant and native wild flower that occurs in meadows and woodland margins. Short pyramids of whorled, dark blue flowers are borne in spring and intermittently later in the year. The dense mats of foliage spread by rooting runners. The following varieties have attractive foliage that can be used to create weed suppressing carpets of colour between shrubs and larger perennials.

Aquilegia Grannys Bonnet. These generally occur in moist banks and woodland margins. A reliable perennial with lovely flowers with short hooked spurs above divided ferny foliage

Aster novae-angliae New England Aster. Clump forming asters with stout stems and hairy bright green leaves. The flowers are borne in dense flower heads from late summer to late autumn. These plants have good healthy foliage and do not suffer from mildew.

Astilbe A good plant for damp, shady locations. Large plumes of flowers in shades of pink, lilac and salmon are held above attractive divided foliage during summer. A range of heights are available from 20cm dwarfs to 1.4m giants.

Astrantia major A reliable, traditional cottage garden plant. The leaves are deeply lobed into 3-7 divisions and make dense leafy clumps above which the sprays of flowers are held. The flowers are dome shaped and resemble small pin cushions full with lots of round headed pins that quiver in the breeze. They sit in the middle of a collar of showy papery bracts that resemble flat flower petals. The flowers are greyish white, flushed with green. It enjoys a semi shaded position but will thrive in sun providing the soil is moist.



Corydalis flexuosa A beautiful plant with ferny glaucous divided foliage. The clusters of blue, slenderly tubular flowers are borne over a long period from late spring to mid summer. A semi shaded position in moist, humus rich soil is preferred. We offer the following cultivars:

Crocosmia Summer flowering cormous perennials. The varieties we offer are hardy, the borderline varieties do not survive here. In exceptionally cold areas a dry mulch will help to prevent the corms freezing in penetrating frost. They have long, sword shaped leaves and funnel shaped flowers on arching stems.


Dianthus deltoides Maiden Pink. An excellent plant to infill gaps at the front of the border or rockery. Prolific quantities of single flowers are borne in summer above mats of dark evergreen, grassy looking foliage.

Dicentra Bleeding Heart, Lyre Flower. A group of leafy perennials with mounds of deeply cut leaves with a ferny appearance. The panicles of small flesh to dark pink or white, heart shaped flowers are borne on graceful drooping stems. In my garden here, all varieties except spectabilis flower from spring until autumn. They are a lovely group of plants for cool, damp, partially shaded positions unless the summer is particularly hot.


Epimedium Barronwort. Clump forming, spring flowering perennials that grow well in dry shady places. They are attractive ground cover in woodland gardens or between shrubs. The small leaves, held on wiry stems, are heart or shield shaped and often attractively coloured.


Francoa Pretty, evergreen rosette forming perennials that require well drained soil in dappled shade, being ideally suited to woodland or courtyard gardens. The handsome, dark green, oval leaves have scalloped edges. During summer spikes of flowers are borne on slender stems.


Geranium clarkei All clarkei forms have elegant deeply and narrowly cut leaves, the delicate tracery resembling snowflakes. The flowers are large (approx 4 - 5cm) and are borne early and midsummer with later flushes. They require sun or dappled shade.

Geranium macrorrhizum All macrorrhizums have aromatic hairy leaves which are retained in the winter and colour well in the autumn by taking on attractive red and yellow tints. Clusters of flowers are borne early summer. If grown in sun, a moisture retentive (but not boggy) soil is required but dryness is tolerated in shade.

Geranium nodosum Another attractive plant for dry shady conditions but it will also thrive in sunnier sites with a little more moisture. The evergreen leaves are bright and glossy. The funnel shaped flowers are in shades of purplish pink with lightly veined petals and are borne from early summer until late autumn.

Geranium oxonianum endressii x versicolour. All the oxonianum hybrids are garden worthy plants that are tolerant of a variety of soils and will grow happily in sun or shade. They form semi evergreen, weed smothering clumps of foliage and all varieties have an extremely long flowering period, from early May until the first frosts. The flowers are all shades of pink, depending on variety.

Geranium phaeum A good, strong growing, evergreen geranium with many different forms. It is ideal for dry shady borders or woodland. It carries flatish, slightly reflexed flowers in small clusters during spring and early summer. Cutting back will produce further flushes of flower.

Geranium pratense A native meadow plant with large fleshy stems and makes massive, tall clumps of deeply divided foliage. The violet blue flowers are borne in late spring and early summer and intermittently later.

Geranium sanguineum These plants form low mats of rounded leaves which are deeply divided and colour well in the autumn.

Geranium sylvaticum A vigorous, clump forming plant with semi evergreen foliage and violet flowers. The main flowering season is early summer but it also flowers intermittently later in the year. A good woodland plant for partially shaded areas.

Geum Avens. A versatile group of plants with attractive, dense, ground covering foliage and sprays of flowers borne over a long period from early summer to autumn. Grow in fertile, moist but well drained soil in sun or partial shade.


Helenium Sneezewort. A late flowering border plant grown for its sprays of daisy flowers with prominent central disks. The flowers are yellow, red and brown, depending on the variety.

Hemerocallis Day Lily. A lovely group of clump forming perennials with long arching, dark green, strap shaped leaves that bear over several months, large, lily like flowers that individually only last a day. They prefer full sun and a fertile, moist soil.

Heuchera A group of perennials grown for their attractive, usually evergreen foliage. They make compact clumps of rounded leaves that normally have attractive marbling or veining. The small, tubular, bell shaped flowers are borne on tall, narrow, leafless stems during late spring and early summer. They will grow in partial shade or sun.

Hosta Plantain Lily. A group of clump forming perennials grown for their large, thick, leathery, ground covering leaves and spikes of flowers. They are good for moist shade. The following varieties are fairly mollusc proof, growing in our borders without protection.


Iris ensata Japanese water iris. Beautiful plants with large, flat, upright flowers that are five inches or more in diameter. They like moist soils but despite their common name do not like to stand in water although they are lovely reflected in it.

Iris laevigata Water iris. Mid blue flowers early and mid summer, above broad, soft green leaves. It grows well here in damp borders but also grows in a few inches of water.

Iris sibirica A versatile plant that will grow in part shade. It needs a moist soil and is a good pool side plant. Dark veined blue flowers are borne above narrow sword shaped leaves during late spring and early summer.




Lamium maculatum A group of useful semi evergreen mat forming plants often with attractively coloured and marked, small nettle shaped leaves. The whorled spikes of hooded flowers are borne over a long period from mid spring to winter. They are good ground cover around shrubs and in shady places under trees.

Leucanthemum superbum (syn. Chrysanthemum maximum) Shasta Daisy. A vigorous perennial daisy with large clumps of thick, dark green leaves and large white daisies with long petals and yellow discs that are borne in abundance throughout the summer. They are good plants for sunny border displays and for cut flowers. The cultivars we offer have a long flowering period from summer to mid autumn.

Liriope muscari Lily Turf. An evergreen bulbous perennial forming dense clumps of leathery, dark green, strap shaped leaves. From early to late autumn dense spikes of violet flowers are borne. It prefers a well drained soil in a semi shaded position although full shade is tolerated.

Lobelia The Lobelia varieties grown here are hardy herbaceous perennials, quite different from the better known annuals. All make leafy rosettes that overwinter in a reduced form. These elongate during spring to make tall leafy clumps of foliage. Thick flowering stems bear long racemes of flowers during late summer and autumn.

Lupinus Lupin. Attractive perennials or occasionally shrubs with palmate, softly hairy leaves and spikes of pea like flowers. They require full sun and a well drained soil. Flowering normally occurs early to mid summer. The Russel type perennial lupins with large flowers on densely crowded spikes will repeat flower if the flowers are removed before setting seed.

Lychnis viscaria German catchfly. Pretty front of border plant. Mats of narrow, dark green leaves are topped by sticky, fly catching stems bearing magenta pink flowers.


Monarda A group of clump forming perennials that have aromatic foliage and attractive, long lasting, colourful flowers that are attractive to bees. The individual flowers resemble those of salvias and are born in terminal whorls often accompanied by attractively, complimentary coloured bracts. Most prefer a dampish soil and sun or lightly dappled shade. We offer the following species and cultivars:




Papaver orientale Oriental Poppy. A clump forming perennial with hairy, grey green, deeply divided foliage and tall bristly stems bearing large, solitary, cup shaped, silky petalled flowers during mid summer. We offer the following cultivars:

Patrinia triloba Mounds of shining, bright green leaves that turn bright yellow in autumn. The leaves are divided into 3 lobes with the central lobe being larger. During summer masses of scented, small, bright yellow, short spurred flowers are carried on reddish stems.

Persicaria bistorta A semi evergreen perennial with handsome, oval, boldly veined mid green leaves. Narrowly bell shaped, pink or white flowers are borne in dense spikes from early summer until autumn.

Physostegia virginiana Obedient Plant. A vigorous, upright perennial with lance shaped, toothed, mid green leaves. During late summer and early autumn spikes of hooded flowers are borne up the length of the flowering spikes. The flowers may be moved and stay in position, hence the common name.

Pulmonaria Lungwort, Soldiers and Sailors. A group of leafy carpeting perennials that make good ground cover in shady places or among shrubs. The foliage is semi evergreen and may be attractively spotted or variegated with silvery areas. Funnel shaped flowers are borne from spring until early summer.


Rodgersia All rodgersias are impressive feature plants with large, imposing leaves and flower spikes. They grow in sun or part shade and require a permanently moist soil.

Rodgersia pinnata An imposing perennial with ornamental, wrinkled, shiny, dark green leaves resembling those of the horse chestnut tree. It produces branched panicles of star shaped, creamy pink flowers during mid summer. It requires a moist soil and looks particularly attractive near water.

Rudbeckia fulgida Black Eyed Susan. A spreading perennial with mid green, slightly hairy, lance shaped leaves. During mid summer and early autumn, branched stems bear daisy type flowers, to 15cm across, with orange yellow petals and prominent, conical, blackish brown central disks.


Sanguisorba tenuifolia A fine plant deserving of a prominent position in a damp sunny border. It has large, finely dissected basal leaves and a profusion of cylindrical, bottle brush like spikes of pink flowers. The foliage colours yellow in autumn.

Saponaria officinalis Soapwort. A stout, erect, vigorous plant with aromatic leaves. In late summer it bears sprays of attractive pale pink flowers. The plant was once used as soap, the leaves boiled for this purpose.

Saxifraga fortunei An unusual saxifrage in that the leaves are large and unlike most saxifrages that are normally evergreen, this species loses its leaves in winter. The clumps of rounded fleshy green leaves are red underneath. The panicles of tiny white flowers are borne late summer and through autumn when little else is in flower.

Schizostylis coccinea Kaffir Lily. A vigorous perennial that quickly forms large clumps of long, narrow, sword shaped leaves and bears cup shaped, red, lily type flowers from late summer to late autumn. In cold areas an organic mulch is required.

Sedum spectabile Ice Plant. A clump forming plant with pale green fleshy leaves. The large, flat heads of starry flowers borne early to late autumn and are attractive to bees and butterflies.

Sidalcea A group of pretty perennials that are indispensable in cottage style gardens. They resemble miniature hollyhocks in appearance, having dense mounds of rounded leaves and tall, erect, spikes of flat or shallowly cup shaped flowers that are borne mid summer to early autumn.

Stokesia laevis Stokes Aster. A perennial with over wintering, evergreen rosettes of foliage. In the summer large flowers that resemble cornflowers (but bigger), soft blue with pale cream centres open from large toothed edged buds.






We use shrubs as a backbone to our mixed borders where they provide a permanent framework and some shelter in our exposed hillside garden. Generous planting bays are left for our herbaceous plants. The shrubs are chosen for their evergreen leaves, attractive foliage in a variety of colours or for their long season of flowering.

Buddleja davidii Butterfly Bush. A fast growing, deciduous shrub with long arching stems and pointed lance shaped grey green leaves with felted undersides. From summer until autumn it bears dense panicles, over 30 cm in length, of fragrant flowers that are attractive to bees and butterflies. It may be hard pruned in spring to attain 2m x 2m, but unpruned will reach 5m x 5m.

Cornus The dogwoods we offer are all grown primarily for their colourful stems although some also have decorative, variegated summer foliage. Combining and contrasting the various stem colours can form the basis of a colourful winter border. Dogwoods are tolerant of dry soils when established. They also grow in damp and boggy soils.

Hydrangea Attractive and colourful shrubs that contribute greatly to the end of season garden with their large flowers and foliage with rich autumn colouring. Flower colours vary with soil acidity, being pinker in alkaline soil or bluer in acid soil.

Leycesteria formosa Himalayan Honeysuckle. An attractive shrub that makes a thicket of bamboo like shoots. Pendant flower spikes, resembling tassels, are produced in summer and autumn. The white flowers are borne among showy, dark purple red bracts that remain after the flowers have gone. The flowers are followed by purple red berries.

Pieris Beautiful, evergreen shrubs that form rounded domes of glossy leaves. The new growths are often attractively coloured. Panicles of small urn shaped, white or sometimes pink flowers are borne in spring. Ideal shrubs for light shade and woodland gardens.

Potentilla fruticosa Deciduous spreading shrubs with small deeply divided leaves. The saucer shaped, 5 petalled flowers resemble dog roses and are freely produced from late spring until the middle of autumn providing continuous colour. We offer the following varieties:

Rhododendron Rhododendrons now include plants formerly listed under Azalea. The type is indicated in the description. Rhododendrons have large, oval, leathery, dark, evergreen leaves and showy flower trusses. Deciduous azaleas normally have showy, scented flowers in late spring and early summer. Their foliage often has good autumn colour. Evergreen azaleas are small shrubs, smothered in flower during early summer. All plants in this large family need acid soil and many grow well in woodland and partly shaded positions.

Vinca minor Lesser periwinkle. A vigorous spreading plant that roots where the stems touch the ground. It has evergreen, dark leaves and mid blue flowers in spring and intermittently throughout the year. It is a good ground cover plant for shrub borders, tolerating sun and shade in all but boggy soil conditions.


Our tree list is not huge but all the trees listed are tough and grow well on our exposed hillside. Please note that the varieties marked * will not be available until late summer.

Ornamental Grasses

We have an extensive list of grasses suitable for all conditions. We grow many varieties in a terraced grass garden which allows the contrasting forms, habits, heights and leaf colours to be appreciated. Grasses are also incorporated into borders, mixed with other plants where they provide a contrast of form and texture: for example the broad, stripey leaves of Luzula sylvatica contrasting with ferns and the lacy foliage of Dicentra.

Acorus gramineus Evergreen rushes that have fans of grass-like leaves. They may be grown in shallow water at pond margins or in moist soil in full sun or part shade.

Carex testacea An evergreen sedge forming a dense clump of arching light sage green leaves that are marked with bright orange and golden yellow, particularly in full sun. These assume reddish brown glints during winter.

Luzula sylvatica Greater Woodrush. A densely tufted evergreen woodrush that is essential for the winter garden, forming excellent ground cover in shady places. The dark green leaves are broader than most grasses and small chestnut brown flower spikelets are borne in small panicles on tall, branching, slender stems from late spring to summer. (Heights refer to leaves, not flower stems)

Miscanthus sinensis Maiden Grass. An attractive grass that forms tall clumps of graceful, arching light green leaves with a white mid-rib and pink tinged stems. The autumn flower spikes are a striking feature and form pyramidal panicles of metallic grey with pinky brown overtones. All miscanthus prefer a sunny position and a fertile soil.

Molinia caerulea Purple moor grass. A dense tufted grass with clumps of dark green leaves. The leaf bases are purple. Throughout summer tall stems bear dense narrow panicles of purple spikelets. Naturally it grows on damp moorland and it forms part of the vegetation in our natural bog. It also grows well in drier garden conditions.


Bamboos are really part of the grass family but I have listed them separately as they have a unique character of their own. Their tropical appearance makes them ideal subjects for hardy exotic planting schemes. They produce woody canes, some of them reaching 6 metres in height and many of which are attractively coloured and marked. The leaves are grassy, in all shades of green, some with attractive variegation. The propagating time is mid spring, subject to weather conditions. The plants can take several months to settle. If travelling a long distance for a particular variety please telephone first to confirm availablilty. Note that the smaller pot sizes only are available mail order unless by special arrangement.


Ferns are ideal plants for moist shady positions, many having evergreen fronds that provide structure in the winter garden. The diversity and patterning of the fronds is quite diverse as is the height range. Please note that some ferns are available in limited quantities.